Let’s give this a try

So I finished college…10 days ago or so and realized bar hopping in Oakland/San Francisco may not be the most productive introduction into “the real world”  (stay tuned for another post about why I hate calling it “the real world” (stay tuned for MANY more rants about things I don’t like)).  I’m trying to get into the advertising industry any way possible.  Right now I’m applying (which really means begging) for an unpaid internship (which is a polite phrase for office bitch, which is a bastardization of SLAVE) and hopefully someday a paying job writing or researching.  No, I don’t think advertising is unethical, and no, I’m not willing to compromise my morals to do it (though I do joke about the opposites of both).  Enough about me.  I just thought it would be good to start at the beginning, and with regards to this blog, it starts with me.

I do have a partner too, and I’ll make him introduce himself at some point.

Soon we’ll post a whole mission statement about the blog, what we’ll do and what we’ll not do.  To tease that…We see our blog as a space to put our meaningless conversations about everyday details.  For us, our conversations usually begin with one of us pointing out a hot girl on the street.  We then take a left turn toward politics and finally frame it in the context of one of our sports teams (Bay Area sports baby!).  Along the way we pepper in non sequiturs ad nauseum.  That’s what we want this blog to be about: anything and everything, nothing and no one in particular.  Maybe sports…but mostly ranting.  We hope you enjoy!


Filed under Sports, Stuff that ISN'T sports

3 responses to “Let’s give this a try

  1. someone

    At least you know how to make “anyone and everything, nothing and no one” entertaining. That’s talent!

    May the public suggest topics for rant?

  2. Monica :)

    This is wonderful! Your candid writing makes me feel like you are talking to me at our table at Big Town Hero, don’t lose this style…it suits you. I can’t wait to read more!

  3. Queen of the Castle

    A blog about nothing…..

    I think you might have something there

    🙂 Couldn’t resist dude. But props to you! You are a most entertaining writer!

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